I see this oak every day as I walk my dogs – and now it’s at risk

‘I see this oak every day as I walk my dogs – and now it’s at risk’
Tolkien was right: giant trees have towering role in protecting forests
'Like a spiral UFO': world's longest animal discovered in Australian waters
Extraordinary portraits of ordinary bugs - in pictures
Flight Lines: the heroic story of two migratory shorebirds – and the man who followed them
Ranger captures moment grizzly bear emerges from hibernation in Canada – video
Flycatchers and fantails: new songbirds discovered on tiny islands
Study finds parrots weigh up probabilities to make decisions
Wild grey seal caught ‘clapping’ on camera for the first time
Seascape: the state of our oceans
'Really amazing': scientists show that fish migrate through the deep oceans
The secret life of plants: how they memorise, communicate, problem solve and socialise
The secret call of the wild: how animals teach each other to survive
Self-isolating animals: eight species that have mastered social distancing
Seal the deal: amorous mammals forced to contend with cruise ships
Bees and flowers have had the world’s longest love affair. Now it’s in danger
One scientist's mission to save the 'super weird' snails under the sea
'Friendship' groups could help flamingos stay in the pink – study
The endangered wolf that walked 8,712 miles to find love
Great Barrier Reef watchers anxiously await evidence of coral bleaching from aerial surveys
More than half of remote reefs in Coral Sea marine park suffered extreme bleaching
Great Barrier Reef's third mass bleaching in five years the most widespread yet
Snow-white coral of once-vibrant Great Barrier Reef a sign urgent action must be taken
Rescuing the Great Barrier Reef: how much can be saved, and how can we do it?
Specieswatch: cuttlefish – clever, colourful and now at risk
Seascape: the state of our oceans
Beautiful, dangerous, damaged: photographers' top ocean shots
What happens when the oceans heat up?
Traffic noise reduces bats' ability to feed
High winds kill thousands of migrating birds in 'disaster' over Greece
Record-size hole opens in ozone layer above the Arctic
Scientists confirm dramatic melting of Greenland ice sheet
Antarctica: what it means when the coldest place on Earth records an unprecedented heatwave
Decoy tactics: can fake concrete penguins help save the real thing?
Single-use plastic’s life-saving role
Deepwater Horizon disaster had much worse impact than believed
Environmental activist killed in Mexico – the third this year
Burning question: plastic pollution scars poorest countries – in pictures
The California city that wants to eliminate disposable coffee cups
Smoke from Australia's bushfires killed far more people than the fires did, study says
Frozen iguanas forecast to shower south Florida as temperatures drop
This winter in Europe was hottest on record by far, say scientists
Does writing books still matter in an era of environmental catastrophe?
Climate crisis blamed for rains and floods that have killed 150 in Brazil
Fir's fair: UK must embrace conifers in climate fight, says forestry chief
Trees on commercial UK plantations 'not helping climate crisis'
German court says Tesla can clear trees to build car factory
Driving into a city should become as antisocial as smoking
'Anti-Greta' teen activist to speak at biggest US conservatives conference
Veganism row breaks out after Joaquin Phoenix is told: be kinder to farmers
Calves and ‘cries of anguish’: why Joaquin Phoenix decried the dairy industry
'It would be kinder to shoot them': Ireland's calves set for live export
Secret footage shows calves from Ireland beaten and kicked in France
'It was like a movie': the high school students who uncovered a toxic waste scandal
Almonds are out. Dairy is a disaster. So what milk should we drink?
'Bad news': radiation 16 times above normal after forest fire near Chernobyl
The blackest city in the US is facing an environmental justice nightmare
In the most polluted part of America, residents now battle the US's biggest plastic plant
Terrawatch: plastic-rich canyons forming in the deep ocean
Monopoly houses, toy soldiers and Lego: the museum of plastic lost at sea
Welcome to Hawaii's 'plastic beach', one of the world's dirtiest places
'Plastic is political': upcycled art exposes Australia’s fraught relationship with waste
Greta, crude oil and animal farming: behind a climate-conscious Armory show
Republicans are making noises on climate action. Some say it's just greenwashing
Is there anything more un-American than New York’s plastic bag ban?
Ecosystems the size of Amazon 'can collapse within decades'
Amazon people turn to water tanks after environmental disaster
Uganda's 'locust commander' leads the battle against a new enemy
'It was everywhere': how lead is poisoning America's poorest children
Paris launches emergency bed bugs hotline
Hooded vultures 'on brink of extinction' in Africa after mass poisoning
Humans risk living in an empty world, warns UN biodiversity chief
'This is not how sequoias die. It’s supposed to stand for another 500 years'
Wildlife destruction 'not a slippery slope but a series of cliff edges'
‘I swapped my gun for binoculars’: India’s hunters turn to conservation
Rich countries could be asked to pay billions to protect biodiversity
Prince Harry may quit hunting over Meghan's dislike of sport, says conservationist friend
I shot a deer – and I still believe it was the ethical thing to do
When is killing a deer the right thing to do?
Australia on the frontline: ask an expert about climate change and its effects
'Probably the worst year in a century': Australia's environmental toll of 2019
Hundreds of thousands of mussels cooked to death on New Zealand beach in heatwave
Australian fiction is already challenging the idea that catastrophic bushfire is normal
Smoke screen: how Australia's biggest polluters have been free to increase emissions
When it comes to growth versus green, the short-term view always prevails
This is the age of the megafire – and it’s being fuelled by our leaders
The government has been forced to talk about climate change, so it’s taking a subtle – and sinister – approach
Disinformation and lies are spreading faster than Australia's bushfires
Australia is built on lies, so why would we be surprised about lies about climate change?
We can’t trust the billionaires of Davos to solve a climate crisis they created
If Jeff Bezos really wants to fight the climate crisis, he should just pay his taxes
Beer and bagels please: New York rats evolve to mirror human habits
Germany has an unholy new alliance: climate denial and the far right
Human disturbance increasing cannibalism among polar bears
Human impact on wildlife to blame for spread of viruses, says study
Appetite for 'warm meat' drives risk of disease in Hong Kong and China
Ban wildlife markets to avert pandemics, says UN biodiversity chief
Should we ration fashion? Lessons in sustainability from the second world war
We should stop buying fish until the industry stops slaughtering dolphins
African swine fever outbreak reported in western Poland
African swine fever destroying small pig farms, as factory farming booms – report
Industrial-sized pig and chicken farming continuing to rise in UK
Beak-trimming and brutality: is it time to stop buying brown eggs?
Secret decks found on ship that capsized killing thousands of sheep
More cows than people: America's beef capital of the world – in pictures
‘Something is wrong’: why the live animal trade is booming in Europe
Animals farmed
Brazilian meat companies linked to farmer charged with 'massacre' in Amazon
EU spending tens of millions of euros a year to promote meat eating
Experience: I’ve been protesting for seven decades
Revealed: US listed climate activist group as ‘extremists’ alongside mass killers
Life in the 'poultry capital' of Wales: enough is enough, say overwhelmed residents
Surely the link between abusing animals and the world's health is now clear
'There are no excuses left': why climate science deniers are running out of rope
Today we pledge to give the climate crisis the attention it demands
African killifish may hold key to stopping ageing in humans
Human composting could be the future of deathcare
Scientists build robot snake that could help in disaster response
The Guardian view on nature’s return: humans making way
The Guardian view on empty supermarket shelves: panic is not the problem
On a roll: is Britain ready for reusable toilet paper?
Welcome to the quarantine era, where bored, lonely and trapped indoors may be the new normal
Brian May blames meat-eating for rise of coronavirus
Coronavirus closures reveal vast scale of China’s secretive wildlife farm industry
Calls for global ban on wild animal markets amid coronavirus outbreak
‘Mixed with prejudice’: calls for ban on ‘wet’ markets misguided, experts argue
Pandemic shines harsh light on Trump's failure to protect pangolins
Rightwing thinktanks use fear of Covid-19 to fight bans on plastic bags
The real problem with your Netflix addiction? The carbon emissions
Air pollution linked to far higher Covid-19 death rates, study finds
Coronavirus live news: number of confirmed global cases passes 2m
Under coronavirus, pro-market ideologies are overturned around the world. But it's too little, too late
One seafarer almost cried’: the last chaplain visiting quarantined boats
Flights are grounded – is this the moment we give up our addiction to flying?
Dramatic fall in China pollution levels ‘partly related’ to coronavirus
Disbelief in big cities as air pollution falls
Why don’t we treat the climate crisis with the same urgency as coronavirus?
Most conservatives know prevention is better than cure – except when it comes to climate change
Coronavirus: 'Nature is sending us a message’, says UN environment chief
This land is your land
'Please don't come': calls to close US national parks over virus fears
'The animals aren't pleased': UK zoos under coronavirus lockdown
Wildlife rescue centres struggle to treat endangered species in coronavirus outbreak
Canada mourns Takaya – the lone sea wolf whose spirit captured the world
Hong Kong's pandas mate for first time in decade in privacy of coronavirus lockdown
Sex superstar: how Diego the horny tortoise saved his species
Sixteen more snakes dumped in pillowcases in Sunderland
Pablo Escobar's 'cocaine hippos' show how invasive species can restore a lost world
Taxi! Endangered New Zealand seabirds get a lift to safety after crash landing in fog
Seabirds and fish: nature moves into spaces left empty by Italian coronavirus quarantine
Nature is taking back Venice': wildlife returns to tourist-free city
Flying high, not getting high: the poppy-eating cockatoos of Tasmania are no opiate addicts
Country diary: the quarry is strictly for the birds now
(this text is composed of a selection of article titles from The Guardian, Environment section, from January to April 2020)

Poemul este compus dintr-o selecție de titluri de articole de la publicația The Guardian, secțiunea Environment, din perioada ianuarie-aprilie 2020.
Pe mine mă uimește cât suntem de incapabili să învățăm din greșeli și cât de greu este să ne corectăm atunci când zicem că vrem și încercăm asta, lăsând la o parte pe cei cărora puțin le pasă.
Am început să nu mă mai entuziasmez la ideea de schimbare în bine, văd cum lucrurile se mișcă prea încet în direcția bună sau deloc. Mă gândesc că ne vom schimba totuși, încet-încet, dar mă deranjează că schimbarea vine de nevoie și nu din dorința de a face bine sau măcar de a nu face rău.
Mă deranjează cum gândim și evaluăm în termeni de valoare și cum perpetuăm mentalitatea aceasta. Cu cât ceva ne este mai valoros, cu atât este mai important. Totul este despre noi și pentru noi. Tot ce nu ne este valoros, plăcut și/sau folositor, poate să nici nu fie.
Mă depășește tot ce se întâmplă în lume, mă simt mult prea mică ca să pot schimba ceva, de aceea nici nu caut sa fiu mereu informată. Încerc să fac ce pot, acolo unde pot. Mă mai apucă câteodată însă curiozitatea, așa a apărut și poemul acesta. Mă și entuziasmez câteodată, dar îmi trece repede.
O perioada scurtă de timp omenirea a acordat o mai mare atenție Naturii. Dar asta numai fiindcă a fost lovită. Catastrofe naturale, boli. Se întâmplă din ce în ce mai des asta, dar nicicum nu învățăm și nu ne purtăm în consecință.
După discursuri despre frumusețea Naturii și despre cum ne merităm soarta, fiindcă așa urât și iresponsabil ne purtăm, urmează o perioadă de plictiseală și dor pentru normalitatea ce, totuși, a dus categoric la toate situațiile astea deranjante pentru noi. Normalitatea este despre propriul confort, propria plăcere, propriile interese, chiar dacă sunt în detrimentul casei Pământ și a celorlalți locatari, animali și vegetali. Consumul excesiv, lăcomia, risipa și egoismul sunt normalitatea majorității. Și gândirea pe termen scurt.
Iar majoritatea dictează mersul lucrurilor.